Baty SM300


300mm screen vertical light path projector with multi-function readout unit and printer. Robust design with full geometric measuring functionality ideal for the shop floor.


• Top quality profile projector highly versatile and easy to operate
• Large travel range 150mm x 50mm (6”x 2”) as standard
• Linear scale stage with 0.001mm resolution
• Fine ground glass screen for clear image with cross hairs
• Screen complete with cross hair lines and chart clips
• Built-in profile and surface illumination
• 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x projection lenses available
• Display-readout unit GMR included in standard delivery

GMR Readout Features

• Geometric measuring functions including skew
• Integrated screen protractor display
• RS-232 data output for PC or printer
• Cartesian / polar coordinates
• Zero, abs/inc mode
• Inch / metric selection
• Bright easy read LED display

Baty SM300 Adria Tools
Projection capacity SM300
Magnification 10x 20x 50x 100x
View field diameter 30 15 6 3
Working distance W 77.7 44.3 24.5 25.3
Max workpiece height H 80 80 80 80
Max workpiece diameter edge line can be focused on screen centre D 160 130 55 60